Daniel M
2 min readAug 7, 2020

Why Did The Pandemic Close All The Good Stores?

I don’t know if anyone noticed but all those Mom and Pop stores that were around the neighborhood are all either closed down or out of business. What has happened to our society?

No one saw this coming. A pandemic so big that all life stands still. Businesses shut down. People stuck inside. Curfews. When was the last time y’all had a curfew? It feels like middle school. Now you can’t even go and shop without a mask. As if it’s going to help anything.

People are starving for life to get back to normal. Thing is, it’s going to be a new normal from now on. Gone are the days where we didn’t have to get our temperatures taken to get in an establishment. If you want to get a piece of bread the mask must be on.

Since people don’t want to go through that all the time they stay home. This makes businesses perform badly. It hits hardest for the smaller stores. The ones that make you feel at home. Those are gone. Now it’s $100 meals at these other restaurants.

Now that the pandemic relief payment has been stalled or may never come back with as much money as before, there is a cause for concern.

We need the small stores. Not just for a better feel. Its because it’s also cheaper. Saving a ton of money with materials and food feels great. Especially in these times. I honestly believe they would thrive more by staying open because people are not getting paid as they are used to so they would look to smaller discounted stores to be able to get their necessities.

Eventually, things will open back up but at what cost. The government needs to make sure that these businesses are being cared for and that they are given a fair chance to get back on their feet so that they can relish on the opportunity and thrive.

Daniel M

Making articles to feed your mind and body. Freelance writer. BMCC Poetry Slam 2012 Winner 📝