Its been almost three weeks here and I’ve finally got my first cent from earnings. I know what you’re thinking. I’m rich. Yea I think I’m finally going to buy that black Lamborghini I’ve been looking at for a long time. Or maybe buy an NBA team. Who knows?
In all seriousness. I’m actually very excited for this penny. Not because I’m broke and every little bit of money counts but because this is a milestone. A way of saying that I have come a long way. Writing an article every day. Most of the time twice a day. With barely anyone noticing. This feels like a sort of triumph. A glimpse of what I could do if I truly put my mind to it. A lot of sleepless nights went into thinking what I am going to write about next.
There were times I told myself. I don’t feel like it. Not today. But I got my butt up and wrote. Not just for the sake of writing but to put what I have in my mind that I want to tell people into a story. If anything, this gives me motivation to continue. Feeling I broke through. To make it even more impressive it was without even being curated. On my own.
This is not in any way a huge amount of money but to those that have not gotten any earnings yet I’m here to tell you that you’re on your way. It may seem unbearable. You may lose interest but don’t lose hope. Keep those creative juices going. In no time, you’ll have a penny. Then before you know it its 100 dollars.
I’m a big fan of speaking life into things. Positive things. What you reap you will sow. So if you reap a lot of hard work you will sow tremendous blessings. It will be so much you won’t know what to do with it or where to put your gain. I say focus many times but that’s because I believe that if you will the benefits will come forward. So don’t be discouraged. You got this. We got this.